Well the summer is pretty easy,
but we still want our kids to remember a
few things we taught them, right?
I created this freebie last summer to
give my students a little incentive to
keep their little brains fresh over the summer.
There are 3 calendars for June, July and August
to to give my kiddos (and their parents) some
ideas and direction of activities to do.
The activities on the calendars the kids can pick and choose from.
I ask them to do 10 each month.
You can require more or less.
The students who complete their work and
bring me their recording sheets (included in the freebie) when
they return to school get a little Back to School Goody Bag
from me!
I hope this helps the summer slide in your room!!
Just simply staple the cover page, included letter,
calendars and recording sheets &
send your kiddos on their merry way!
When I'm back here in June I will FINALLY be out of school.
We go until June 25th! Waahhh!!!