Hooray! I am so excited to be sharing with you today!
I'm checking in from SE Asia where I have been teaching English, math, and science to grades K-6. The kiddos sure are keeping me on my toes! The language barrier is no joke, but I absolutely adore my kids and love being their teacher.
You can follow my EFL adventures on my {
blog} or over on {
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Okay, so I'm sure you have seen the cute little Boggle bulletin boards floating all around Pinterest, but what I realllllllly love are the Number Boggle boards! They make my math heart so happy!
Similar to the popular Boggle board, this number grid is great for stretching those little minds--
but instead of asking "how many words can you find?"
you'll ask "how many number sentences can you find?!"
I originally got the idea from a conference, but then saw it all over Pinterest!
Katie, from
Rock and Teach, was the original pinner (I think!) and has a great post on how she uses Number Boggle in her classroom...except she calls it {
Noggle}. I love that!
I used Number Boggle with digits 1-9 with my first through third graders in math club this week! I found out that I was in charge of math club when I walked through the door {be flexible, Erin!}, so Number Boggle literally saved the day!
The idea is to create a grid with numbers 0 through 9 in a random layout.
The students will then use the grid to find as many number sentences as they possibly can!
I simply wrote the numbers on the white board and we played a few rounds together. Then, I gave them each a little square of paper, wrote a new grid on the board, and turned them loose!
My firsties and my third graders were working on totally different levels--and I LOVED that! Also, some of them took a few liberties in connecting the numbers, but I was working with a serious language barrier. Ha!
Ideas for using the Number Boggle board:
1. Bulletin board: kids can answer on sentence strips to be posted by the board.
2. Document camera or over head for a little bit of quiet work time.
3. Individual copies as seat work.
4. Laminated or in a dry erase sleeve with recording sheet for a math station.
5. Anything else you can think of.
And y'all, it is so easy to generate!
Differentiation is built in because students will work at their own level,
and it can easily be adapted for older grades/higher-level mathematics!
If you'd like to use an individual paper version, check out these FREEBIES on TpT:
If you'd like to make a bulletin board, here are some FREEBIES on TpT:
Mrs. Salvador has a chevron and chalkboard set {
If you are looking for a set with both a recording sheet and printable numbers, look at these FREEBIES:
Madison has a black and white set {
Mandy has a blue and green set {
I love the way that these teachers have used Number Boggle, Noggle, etc. in their classrooms:
Check them out!
You could also print numbers on a smaller scale, make them magnetic, and use in a math station.
Teri does something similar for classroom attendance, but what fun to play Number Boggle!
Hmmmm...I like that. It would be so easy to change!
Again, the idea was not my own--I just wanted to show you how I used in an EFL math club this week! Thank you, Pinterest and lovely teaching community, for being willing to share ideas!
Happy Number Boggle-ing, teacher friends!