With the back to school (eeeeek) season upon us, I thought I would share some of my favorite Pinterest pins for classroom decoration and organization!
I have a specific board dedicated to this topic, but just want to point out a few of my favorite pins that I will DEFINITELY be using in my future classroom.
First up, the share chair and the read chair. I think both of these chairs are absolutely ADORABLE and perfect for the classroom environment. Why not try to make the aspect of sharing or reading a special time for students to experience? I know I would have LOVED having these two opportunities in my elementary classes when I was younger.. a way to help you stand out and have fun!

Next, I love the idea of things not being permanent so I can change them out from year to year. For example, if I write on mailboxes the name of students for the 2013-2014 school year, then I can't use those mailboxes the next year for the 2014-2015 school year. SO, I found this pin and think it's a perfect solution. BUT with the craze of washi tape, I can start using one of my 300 rolls to decorate them! I could use a variety of different rolls, too! :)
Thirdly, there's a pin floating around called Garbage Bowls. What is this, you ask? Well, the teacher places this simple bowl at each group and when they work on cutting activities that will have scraps with it, they put them in this garbage bowl. It not only cuts down on the trips to the garbage can, but it keeps the scraps up off the floor! YAY. This is something that WILL be implemented in my classroom.
Finally, there's the drop box. Do you ever get 8479 notes, letters, money, forms, etc. a day and they end up cluttered on your desk? And then sometimes, you miss a note because you didn't see it buried under everything else??
Yup. I've been there. So, I searched high and low for some inspiration on how to solve this storage issue and for a place to have my future kiddos put their notes and things when they come into the classroom so I could sort them without having trouble.
Cue my inspiration for a DROP BOX.
This Monday (tomorrow), I'm actually going to be making my own Drop Box and will be posting it on my personal blog - head on over and check it out tomorrow by clicking here!
SO, what else can I do to make my classroom as organized as possible? Y'all let me know so I can go on a pinning frenzy :)
For those of you going back to school soon, good luck & I hope the year goes well! Those heading back in early August, this goes for you, too!
See y'all next month on the 7th!

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